You can create command requirements for each command or use builtin command requirements creators
Add a requirement
// Defining a command as object
module.exports = {
name: "onlymecmd", //
requirements: [
type: "onlyme" // set a type/name
validate: (msg, args, client, command, requirement) => { // function to evaluate. if returns false do first of response/responseDM/run methods
return === "mydiscordid"
// return null to ignore response/responseDM/run methods if some these aren't undefined
// you can return a context of this function if you return an array as [passCondition, conditionReqContext]
// for this example, you want to return author id to use in response/responseDM/run methods
// return [ === "mydiscordid", {authorID:}]
response: "You don't have permissions to execute this command" // string/function<string/embed> => reply that string
// reponse can be a function too
// response: (msg, args, client, command, requirement, conditionReqContext) => returns string/embed
// response: (msg, args, client, command, requirement, conditionReqContext) => "You don't have permissions to execute this command created by function"
responseDM: "DM: You don't have permissions to execute this command" // string/function<string/embed> => reply that string with a direct message
// reponseDM can be a function too
// responseDM: (msg, args, client, command, requirement, conditionReqContext) => returns string/embed
// responseDM: (msg, args, client, command, requirement, conditionReqContext) => "DM: You don't have permissions to execute this command created by function"
run: // custom function run(msg, args, client, command, requirement, conditionReqContext)
init: (client, command, requirement) => {
// do something when this requirement is added to command, for example add a hook to command
// You can add other props to be accesible through requirement variable
// You can add more requirements to check. Resply with first requirement failed to pass
run: (msg, args, client, command) =>"This is my command") // If pass all command requirements, this will be run
Define user built-in requirements
Define a custom requirement or set of them to import easily from a command definition
client.addCommandRequirement(requirement) // requirement can be a object or a function
// Requiment object
type: 'my.requirement', // name to inject in commands if these have it as requirement
validate: (msg, args, client, command, requirement) => { // Returns false to run first of response/responseDM/run actions
return === "mydiscordID"
// return null to ignore response/responseDM/run methods if some of these are defined
// return [true/false, conditionReqContext] to fail requirement and pass a context to response/responseDM/run actions
response: "You can't use this commnad"
// Requirement function
client.addCommandRequirement(function guildadmin({command, client}){ // function name will be the name to inject in commands
// should be return a requirement or array of requirement (useful to pack multiple requirements as one)
return {
type: 'my.requirement', // name to inject in commands if these have it as requirement
validate: (msg, args, client, command, requirement) => { // Returns false to run first of response/responseDM/run actions
return === "mydiscordID"
// return null to ignore response/responseDM/run methods if some of these are defined
// return [true/false, conditionReqContext] to fail requirement and pass a context to response/responseDM/run actions
response: "You can't use this commnad"
// or return array of requirements
return [
type: 'only.for.guild',
validate: (msg, args, client, command, requirement) => {
return && true // remember return true/false/null/[true/false, context]
response: "Sorry this command is only avaliable in guilds"
type: 'member.with.role',
validate: (msg, args, client, command, requirement) => {
const member =
if(!member){return false}
let { role } = req
role = => r.toLowerCase())
return member.roles.some( r => roles.includes( )
role: "admin"
response: "Sorry this command is only for admins"
// You can inject some builtin commands requirements or user defined too
// injecting a defined command requirement in command
module.exports = {
name: "admin", //
requirements: ["guildadmin"] // will inject requirements defined above
run: async (msg, args, client, command) => {
// do something
Builtin requirements creators
These are functions builtin that create requirements objects. To use them:
// Defining a command as object
module.exports = {
name: "server", //
requirements: [
type: "guild.only" // "guild.only" is a builtin requirement. this requirement only allow execution if message coming from a guild.
// This object is passed to a command requirement creator function that returns a requirement object
response: "This command only avaliable in guild" // Resplye with that if message doesn't come from a guild
// responseDM: or reply with a dm
// run: or create a custom funcition
// You can add more requirements to check. Resply with first requirement failed to pass
run: (msg, args, client, command) =>"This is my command") // Run this pass all requirements
Command requirements creators:
Channels/Guilds/Users allow/deny:
: allow command on channels whose ids are on channels propertychannel.deny
: deny command on channels whose ids are on channels propertyguild.allow
: allow command on channels whose ids are on channels propertyguild.deny
: deny command on channels whose ids are on channels propertyuser.allow
: allow command on channels whose ids are on channels propertyuser.deny
: deny command on channels whose ids are on channels property{ // command definition... requirements: [ { type: 'channel.allow', // map to the builtin requirement creator. Same interface for requirements from below store: [], // array of strings channles ids response, // optional responseDM, // optional run // optional } ]; }
Channels/Guilds/Users cooldown:
: allow command on channels if is not in cooldownguild.cooldown
: allow command on channels if is not in cooldownuser.cooldown
: allow command on channels if is not in cooldown{ // command definition... requirements: [ { type: 'channel.cooldown', // map to the builtin requirement creator. Same interface for requirements from below time: 60, // cooldown time in seconds. Set after a suscefully command execution response, // optional responseDM, // optional run // optional } ]; }
: allow command on guild for member with permissions{ // command definition... requirements : [ { type: 'member.has.permisions', // map to the builtin requirement creator. permissions: { // permision json. See more on <a href="#add-requirement">Add a requirement</a> manageMessages: true, } response, // optional responseDM, // optional run, // optional } ] }
: allow command on guild for member with a role or some of array of roles.{ // command definition... requirements: [ { type: 'member.has.permisions', // map to the builtin requirement creator. role: 'Admin', // no case sensitive. Admit pass an array of role names response, // optional responseDM, // optional run // optional } ]; }
: allow command on direct message only -
: allow command on guild only -
: allow command for bot owner only// object definition... { requirements: [ { type: 'dm.only', // map to the builtin requirement creator. response, // optional responseDM, // optional run // optional }, //or 'dm.only' // if you dont want configure responses or run methods ]; }